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“I’m not good enough at yoga to take your class.”

When I first truly committed to my yoga practice and was a regular fixture at the studio, I was invited to attend the Advanced Class on Saturday. 

Yes, I practiced six times a week. Yes, I had shorty short yoga shorts before they were even a thing in hot yoga. Yes, my practice was pretty...

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Online yoga? I didn’t think it was going to be any good either.

Three years ago, I would have vehemently said that online yoga classes were crap, a second-rate education, and not for people that were “serious” about their practice.

Looking back, it’s kind of funny now to think of the instructor that I was and who I’ve become over...

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What's Been Your Greatest Adventure?

This past weekend I had the absolute privilege of taking my nephew out on a little excursion to celebrate his seventh birthday. The plan was that Jeffrey and I would take him to the nearest book store, have him pick out all of the books he was super excited to read, and then have lunch.


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Yoga: When you find your "why" you find your way

True confession time. I used to practice yoga to be good at yoga asana. I wanted to make the shapes. I was addicted to hitting the next goal and the next and then, the one after that.

That being said, please know that after all these years on the mat, I still believe realizing a new posture or...

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Why Your Yoga Practice is Falling Apart

There are four major reasons why you feel like your yoga practice isn’t what it once was and each one of them is completely fixable. Let’s dive in and take a look:

#1. You know so much more about great alignment and proper technique than when you first started.

So, this is the number...

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How to Know Your Yoga is Working

There is a huge reason people don’t like yoga. Wanna know what it is? It’s discomfort.

Yoga is wildly uncomfortable most of the time.

As a yoga instructor, I have seen the gamut of students working against the posture instead of through it, all in the name of finding some shred of...

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1 Yoga Tip I Wish I Knew 5 Years Ago

And, I’m ready to share it with you.

No, it's not, “Keep going.” Because if you’ve followed me for any amount of time you would know that’s just a given. Keep going with your practice. Even when you want to stop. Even when yoga feels like its somehow working against...

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Why "Let It Go” is Bad Advice…

And, it’s become such a cliché. Especially, for people that practice yoga, like us. Do you feel this way, too?

The phrase, “Let it go,” is on t-shirts, coffee mugs, billboards, and in your social media feed. Sometimes you’ll see it fashioning a modern-day cuss word...

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You ARE old if you’re still saying this…

At the beginning of this year I had to admit to myself that the reason I couldn’t see my book at night was not because I had just taken off my eye make-up with coconut oil. The oil was not blurring my vision. I could not see the words on the page because my eyesight was not as good as it...

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3 Tips to Create Your Best Backbend

Back bending is HUGE part of yoga. In fact, there were years of my practice where they were all I thought about, all I focused on, and the only thing I that mattered.

And, though those days are gone like the ones in which donned 4-inch heels because I liked the way it made my legs look no matter...

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Holding Space: The real work of a yoga instructor

I think I was seriously overwhelmed for the first five years as a yoga teacher. Deciding to put my acting career on the back burner and pay attention to what was truly giving me joy was a big life defining moment for me. I knew I was supposed to teach. I knew it would change my life. But there...

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The Right Kind of Tough

“Tori, can you demonstrate Triangle for the rest of the class?” she asked. And, I felt a glow of pride at the request. 

Yoga over the past three years had become my refuge – helping me recover from my eating disorder, releasing the constant stress and pressure from working...

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