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My top tips for Camel Pose

back bend camel pose midlife yoga online yoga yoga yoga life yoga tip yoga tips Jun 02, 2024

Camel Pose, or Ustrasana, is oftentimes the first deep backbend you encounter when you begin to practice yoga.

And, it sets up the foundation of good back bending technique when taught and done correctly.

Plus, it’s a huge win to help you release anxiety and fear, open up your hips and shoulders and to help you understand that, YES, the body was intended to move in this direction.

Here are some tips to help you with this often under taught posture:

1. Often you will be told to have your hands on your low spine to enter into the posture. But, if you can get your hands to your heels, it’s best to begin with your hands on your ribs, fingers forward and thumbs at the back.

Why? It’s going to help you understand if you are favoring a side of your body when you backbend.

You’ll notice one side of your ribs wants to be higher than the other.

And, with your hands on your ribs you have that information and can correct it for an even bend.

2. Lift your ribs away from your hips.

This keeps the entire spine working, instead of allowing the majority of the backbend to pull into the low spine.

3. Keep pressing your chest up to the ceiling.

Concentrate on this motion instead of pushing your hips forward.

If you lift the chest, once again the entire spine will initiate in the bend.

The cue, “Push your hips forward,” is a bad cue. Use, “Press your chest up to the ceiling,” instead.

When you press your chest up to the ceiling your hips will automatically begin to move forward and stack over your knees. But, the back bend will have space and evenness, as opposed to when it is all hinging in the low spine. 

4. Keep your wrists AND your fingers straight and connect your palms to your heels.

This helps with the lift of the chest, but also makes the posture a bit more difficult.

If it's impossible right now, simply make it a goal that you accomplish over time. 

This instruction was meant for every body, including yours. 

Your arms are not too short (I know this might be your reasoning as to why this is not happening for you). 

Keep working to move the posture forward in this direction and remember, easy doesn’t change you.

5. Tilt your deltoids, the top of your shoulders up to the ceiling.

This helps take the tension out of the backbend and releases your neck to go a bit deeper.

And, know that this move is fancy. If it doesn't make sense at first, that's okay. 

Keep the thought of it with you and you'll find that body will find it in it's own time. 

✨If you want more instruction in your backbending technique for postures such as Camel, Full Camel, Wheel and Scorpions, come join me in my online yoga studio for a livestream class soon.

These postures often pop up in my sequences and you will receive the attention you deserve from me every time you step on your yoga mat for class, so you know where and how to work to best further YOUR practice.

Happy practicing!

Big Hugs,
Tori ♡

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