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My top tip for Peacock Pose

Jun 16, 2024

Struggling with your Peacock Pose? You’re going to want to kiss me for this!

Personally, I could not find lift off in Peacock Pose for YEARS. 

And, there was a time when I went after this posture every single day, again and again and again. 

I had the set up right, I was shifting the weight forward... and yet I was stuck to the ground. 

I was practicing it so much that I would wake up feeling as if I had been punched in the stomach... super hard. It was the worst. 

But, then one day I had a teacher say to me, “You have to think ‘down’ to go up.”

And, it changed everything.

In this picture, I’m demonstrating the most accessible way to find Peacock Pose, with the legs in Baddha Konasana (feet sole to sole).

So, if you cannot find Peacock with straight legs and don’t have a Full Lotus, try it this way first to find a quick win.

Over time you will then learn to straighten the legs. 

And, remember, if you think about the legs lifting up, they never will.

Focus on the downward motion of the hands and the torso.

Keep pressing the chest forward and keep your gaze forward. (Don't look down, you're not going that way!)

And, please be aware that your fingers are pointing back and not forward, making this a huge ask for the wrists. 

So, after practicing this posture, stretch your wrists in the opposite direction to keep them happy.  

I hope this helps...

Have a great week and I look forward to meeting you on your yoga mat for a good yoga session soon! 

Big Hugs,
Tori ā™”

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