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Why I Hate Gratitude Journals

Oct 23, 2023

I only realized how much I dislike gratitude journals this week, when I was chatting with a friend. 

But, the more I think about it, I really am not a fan.

Don't get me wrong. I think having a sincere appreciation for the people, situations, and beauty you're surrounded by is one of the keys to mastering your life. 

The feeling of gratitude for all you've been given - actual sincere gratitude - will unlock so many doors and move you forward into the life you always dreamed of creating. 

In short, gratitude rocks. 

But, gratitude journals? I find them exhausting.

Here's why... 

It's my experience they create pressure that you really don't need. 

It's as if the journal itself yells at you from it's place in your room or drawer, "Aren't you grateful? Why didn't you write it down?"

So, if you also have a dozen, half used gratitude journals lying around your home and would like an alternative to taking the time to tune into the feeling of gratitude, I have the solution. 

Set a reminder to go off on your phone at key times through out the day. 

I like to label mine, "Abundance Check." 

When the reminder alert goes off, stop what you're doing and list 5 things you're grateful for in the moment and within the space you're occupying. 

It's a HUGE energy boost. 

And, so much better than a gratitude journal from my perspective.  

So, what do YOU think? Gratitude journals - love or hate them? 

I'd love to hear from you this week!

Big Hugs,

Tori ♡ 

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